Monthly Comic Collection #2 in unique box!
Six comics made as part of my patreon mailings at ! All within a box that has a unique original comic on top! Maybe that's pretty cool?
Each is sort of an experiment within a concept! Think of a poem or an art show in zine form.
The comics included are:
Lost in Bed, a poem comic about having chronic illness and trying to find rest.
whole/part, an abstract comic, filled with half held meanings.
In a Crowd, a poem about the experience of being surrounded by countless strangers, catching tiny glimpses into their lives.
On the Outside, a character study of a character having trouble giving up control, juxtaposed with abstract art.
Scanner Play 3, a poem featuring figure drawings moved in the scanner to create wavy, off kilter shapes.
Action Based Storytelling juxtaposes ideas of how narratives should work with the very inactive life of a disabled, chronically ill person.